
Woohoo! You've joined the waitlist.

We will reach out as soon as possible. 

When we have a Virtual Assistant ready for your clinic, we will contact you with the next steps.

In the meantime, book a time on the calendar with our team to learn how Call Hero’s Virtual Assistant can help your business. We’ll address all of your questions about our assistant service and give you a live demo of the platform. 

Is there anything you should do to prepare for the call?

Just let us know what you would like to delegate to a virtual assistant. Simply book a day and time on the calendar on this page and you'll meet with one of our specialists on zoom.

If we don’t hear from you or receive your booked time for the demo, we will attempt to call you on the next business day. We look forward to working with you!

Want to talk to someone right away? Call Us!

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