
Free 30-Minute Webclass

How to reply to a clinician that just asked you for a higher fee split

Date: May 24, 2023
Time: 11am CST (12pm EST)

Here's What You'll Discover In Under an Hour:
  • Review the compensation template ($$$) we show each clinician which details how they get paid now and how their fee split changes over time.
  • We will share ways on how to increase a clinician's pay without changing their fee split.
  • Hear from other clinic owners and how they replied to a clinician asking for more pay (fee split)
  • We'll do a deep dive on a real clinician that asked for a higher fee split.
  • Share your scenario and get your questions answered on how and when to change a clinician's pay.
  • And more!

In this webinar, we'll cover all the tools you should have:

  • Clinician compensation template
  • Clinician compensation calculator
  • Incentive models
  • Career path slide
  • Clinician scoreboard
  • Negotiation scripts and questions

WARNING: Space is limited to the first 500 Clinic Owners who register because of the live Q&A. If we have more we won’t have enough time to answer everyone’s questions. These LIVE sessions always fill up because they are significantly better than the information others charge you thousands for… even though they are free. At our last webinar, he had over 1973 people register and ran out of space

The Panel

Terry Davison
A tech entrepreneur who has founded, bootstrapped, and developed many cloud-based software solutions, including Juvonno EMR. Today, Juvonno supports over 12,000 doctors and health practitioners worldwide and has doubled its annual revenue in 3 short years.
Sanjeev Bhatia, PT
Spent 15 years in the trenches running patient experience operations for both Lifemark (400+ clinics) and Myodetox. His innovative approach to healthcare management is no doubt influenced by his MBA degree. Sanjeev is an expert in patient experience operations and sales.