
Woohoo! You're in. Time to make some moolah 🙂

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Let’s Get Started:


Click the button below and fill out the form to sign up to our affiliate program software. This is SO important. This is how you will get your unique referral link and how you will get paid.


It’s time to learn what you’re going to be promoting to your network! You will be selling the community subscription to Clinic Accelerator. If you are not familiar with the service, click the button below to book a demo with our team.

Complete the 5-Day Challenge

We know reaching out to your network can be intimidating. That’s why we’ve put together a free 5-day challenge to help you jumpstart your referral process! This challenge is done completely via email. You should receive the first email within 10 minutes.

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Once your referrals have been paid customers for 30 days, we’ll make a direct deposit based on the number of users that qualify. There’s no limit on the number of customers you can refer, so you can repeat these steps as often as you like!

Questions? Email [email protected]

– Your Clinic Accelerator Referral Team