
Get More Patients on Your Website with Webchat

Easily text with potential patients, even after they leave your website

Trusted By Rehab, Dental, Medical, & Veterinary Professionals

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Make Your Website a Conversation Starter

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95% of text messages are read within 5 minutes after being sent.

Boost New Patient Conversions.

Turn visitors into leads by collecting phone numbers with webchat and following up via text or call to book more new patients.

Capture Phone Numbers and Follow Up.

Follow up with a text or call, even if patients don’t book right away.

Save Staff Time

Manage all communication—texts, calls, and voicemails—in one inbox to stay organized.

Webchat and Text Directly from Your Current Phone System

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Types Of Clinics We Serve

Dental Offices

Physical Therapy Clinics

Chiropractic Clinics

Massage Therapy Clinics

Naturopathic clinics

Medical Spas

Medical Clinics

Veterinary Clinics

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Built by a Practice Owner, For Owners & Healthcare Professionals

CallHero was founded by Rick Lau, a practice owner, in 2015. He wanted to find a better solution after years of running a clinic, fighting with his EMR, and working after 5 PM after growing a network of 127 physical therapy and chiropractic clinics. That’s when CallHero was born. Rick Lau has been using CallHero software in his practice and business since then. It has saved him lots of stress, money, and most importantly, time.

"I made $72,000 using CallHero in the last 8 months at my massage clinic" 

"I was running blind before CallHero and didn't know my call metrics"


"I made an extra $15,000/month because of CallHero"


"Now I can hold my front desk accountable for their conversion numbers"


"CallHero has boosted my confidence with the phones"


"I increased my booking rate from 60% to 80% with CallHero"


"Within a few months my answer rate jumped from 74% to 95%"


"I thought she was doing a good job on the phones before CallHero"

Long-term Commitments? Nope.

We know you’ll love CallHero, which is why we offer month-to-month billing and let you cancel at any time, hassle-free.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add webchat to my website?

Your web designer just needs to add a small code snippet to your site. It takes minutes to set up.


Do I need technical skills to set it up?

No, your web designer can handle everything. We provide easy instructions that only take a few minutes.

How does webchat work?

When a visitor sends a message, it goes straight to your CallHero inbox. You can reply and manage all communication—texts, calls, and voicemails—in one place, saving staff time.

Can I send an automatic reply?

Yes, you can set up an auto-reply to let visitors know you’ll respond shortly.

Will all messages go to one place?

Yes, all messages go to your Smart Text inbox for easy management. This helps you organize texts, calls, and voicemails all in one place, saving staff tim

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