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3 Ways To Get More New Patients for Your Pelvic Health (Or Niche) Physical Therapy Clinic

On this episode of New Patient Secrets, you will learn...

In this new episode you’ll learn:
  • What are Nicole's Top 3 Marketing Secrets that will get make your phone ringing  for your niche practice (ie pelvic health, paediatrics, hand therapy etc)?
  • Discover Nicole's little $ecret that helped her get over 16,100 instagram followers and 4500 members in her facebook group
  • The biggest mistake clinic owners make with social media marketing
  • The do's and don'ts of marketing a niche service like pelvic health
Dr. Nicole Cozean is a pelvic health physical therapist, author, and entrepreneur. She's the founder of the renowned Pelvic Sanity clinic in Southern California and the author of The Interstitial Cystitis Solution.

Has built and exit many healthcare businesses (clinics, ecommerce, SaaS) over the past 15 years including a network of 127 physical therapy and chiropractic clinics with over 1400 employees. He is one of the most sought-after mentors for clinic owners in Canada and USA where he helps owners double, triple, and even quadruple their profits by optimizing their clinic operations using his proven systems and leadership strategies. Plus he has spent over millions in google and facebook ads during his career.

Rick also founded CallHero, a call recording and conversation analysis software that helps clinics  get even more new patients over the phones from their marketing.

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