

Here’s What To Do Next...

Thanks for registering for your Mystery Caller Audit. Your test will start next business day... 

The next step is to schedule your call here at least 48 hours after the test with the Callhero Team because they’ll go over the results with you on a live call.

She will break down the call for you… and discuss what they did right… what techniques they should of used… what could have been done better.

Plus the Callhero Team will go over the completed 19-Point Patient Experience Checklist. Then afterwards you’ll get your free cheat sheet of our 9 most effective phone scripts that you can swipe and deploy the next day.

And of course, you’ll also get the Free Phone Script Playbook that will boost your booking rate on the phones up to 67% after your call with the Callhero Team.

So click the button below to schedule a time that works for you while it’s still fresh on your mind…