
Callhero's Free Competitor Analysis Report

Whether you’re the leading clinic in your community (or just striving to), Callhero's free competitor analysis report gives you a detailed look at where you stand in relation to your rivals.

When Sanjeev was running patient experience operations at Lifemark for 15 years (which recently sold for $645 Million) and when I ran PT health… our unique competitive analysis process was a key factor that helped us stay ahead of our competitors.

And now our team will do one for you at no cost.

This Competitor Analysis Report gives you…


Gain insight into your competitor's wait time, pricing, how many Therapists work there, their greeting script, how many google reviews, and what they say when someone says “I can’t wait that long or the price is too expensive.

When you Get the Competitor Analysis Report, we will secret shop your top 3 competitors and complete the report in 2 business days. Find out how your clinic stacks up to your competitors by getting your complimentary Competitor Analysis Report now.

Simply fill out the form on this page and we'll finish your report in 2-3 business days.

Plus give you the audio recordings of how your competitors handled the objections "I can't wait that long or that's too expensive".

But act now before there's a waiting list. We can only do this for 21 clinics per month with this offer.

Why is it 100% FREE? Because it's one of the ways we get new clients. We found that by giving away great value upfront that many end up becoming a client. So that's why.

Get Your Competitor Analysis Report

Hosted the largest clinic owner summit in Canada, Accelerate Live, before Covid where clinic owners from U.S, Canada, Australia, and UK attented.

About Rick Lau

Rick created an $83 million a year Physical Therapy and Chiropractic clinic. Plus owned a network of 127 clinics with over 1400 employees. He is the founder of Call Hero which has analyzed over 2,000,000 phone calls at over 1800 clinics across the U.S, UK, Australia, and Canada. Giving him access to more data on why patients book and don’t than anyone else has. 

Also he is one of the most sought-after mentors for clinic owners in Canada and USA where he helps owners double, triple, and even quadruple their profits by optimizing their clinic operations using his proven systems and leadership strategies.

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All results stated above are not typical, and do not imply you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Any of my strategies and case studies are only estimates of what is possible. There is no assurance you’ll do as well as, or even close to, the figures I achieved or other clients have done. Results are based on many factors including luck, effort and years of hard work. We have no way of knowing how well you will do, as we do not know you, your background, your business, or your work ethic etc. Therefore, we do not guarantee or imply that you will get better results or earn more money, that you will do as well, especially if the techniques are never implemented. If you rely upon our figures, you must accept the risk of not doing as well, as we are a large, established business developer with many years of research and experience.